Sodium Humate Black Powder

Antiviral effect

It is not decomposed by mold and bacteria. It can denature the viral protein and produce antiviral effect.So that DNA viruses (bare and encapsulated) cannot be adsorbed and connected to cells and cannot reproduce,inhibit reverse transcriptase activity and virus synthesis.

Effect on immune function

It can increase the leaching rate and play the role of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) It can also participate in cellular immunity and increase strong humoral immune function of blood circulation.

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Effect on endocrine function

Stimulate animal gland secretion, inhibit sympathetic nerve; reason drowsiness, ;and increase fats deposition upload. spark off the feature of pituitary adrenal cortex сan promote the secretion of acth and increase the secretion of estrogen, and stimulate the balance of thyroid.

Sodium Humate Black Powder



Crystal particles




Humic acid content ≥60%

Water≤ 12%

Potassium oxide ≥12%

Water soluble ≥90% 

PH 8-11

Product form