Potassium humate

1. Activation and absorption of feed components

Colloidal properties and adsorption capacity, good ion exchange and catalysis, and effectively promote feeding

The molecular weight of humic acid is large, and larger particles are synthesized in a certain medium activation and absorption of feed components. Adsorb ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in intestinal tract, reduce fecal odor and improve enclosure environment.

2.Effect on endocrine function

Stimulate animal gland secretion, inhibit sympathetic nervecause drowsiness, and increase fat deposition add. Activate the function of pituitary adrenal cortex сan promote the secretion of ACTH and increase the secretion of estrogen, and stimulate the balance of thyroid.

3.Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect

It can reduce capillary permeability; The primary oxygen decomposed by active groups plays an anti-inflammatory role. It contains alkaloids which has strong adsorption capacity for intestinal inflammatory substances and toxic substances, and shrinks hemostatic effect.

4.Antiviral effect

It is not decomposed by mold and bacteria. It can denature the viral protein and produce antiviral effect.So that DNA viruses (bare and encapsulated) cannot be adsorbed and connected to cells and cannot reproduce,inhibit reverse transcriptase activity and virus synthesis.

5.Effect on immune function

It can increase the leaching rate and play the role of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) It can also participate in cellular immunity and increase strong humoral immune function of blood circulation.



Potassium humate is a highly efficient organic fertilizer, because the number of humic acid is a kind of biological active preparations, can improve the soil available potassium content, reduce the loss and fixed potassium, increase crop absorption and utilization of potassium, also has the soil improvement, promote crop growth, increase crop resilience, improve crop quality, protecting the agricultural ecological environment, and other functions;It can be mixed with urea, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, trace elements, etc.In addition, potassium humate can also be used as oil drilling fluid treatment agent, mainly to prevent the hole wall collapse.The main performance


Potassium humate is a kind of heterogeneous aromatic hydroxyl carboxylate with the appearance of black particles or powder solid. It is the product extracted by the reaction of KOH liquid after fine preparation of lignite. It is soluble in water, alkaline and contains carboxyl, phenolic hydroxyl and other active groups.

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Product Details

Sodium humate  腐植酸钠

状态:Crystal particles or flakes晶体颗粒或片状


Humic acid content 60%   腐植酸含量60%

Water 12%          水分12%

Potassium oxide 12%     氧化钾12%

Water soluble 90%       水溶性90%

PH 8-11




Crystal particles/flakes




Humic acid content 60%

Water 12%

Potassium oxide 12%

Water soluble 90% 

PH 8-11



Product form