Sodium Humate For Aquaculture

Antiviral effect

It is not decomposed by mold and bacteria. It can denature the viral protein and produce antiviral effect.So that DNA viruses (bare and encapsulated) cannot be adsorbed and connected to cells and cannot reproduce,inhibit reverse transcriptase activity and virus synthesis.

Effect on immune function

It can increase the leaching rate and play the role of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) It can also participate in cellular immunity and increase strong humoral immune function of blood circulation.

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Product Details

Humic acid sodium is made from weathered coal, peat and lignite by special process. It is a kind of macromolecular organic weak sodium salt with various functions. It is alkaline, black and bright color and amorphous solid particles.Its structure is relatively complex, known humic acid molecules contain benzene ring, thick ring and some heterocycles (such as pyrrole, furan, indoles, etc.), aromatic rings are linked by bridge bonds, aromatic rings have a variety of functional groups, mainly carboxyl, phenyl, hydroxyl, methoxy, quinone, etc.The humic acid dry base content of humic acid sodium is more than 75%, which is a good veterinary medicine and feed additive for the production of green milk, meat and eggs.

Sodium Humate For Aquaculture



Crystal particles/flakes




Humic acid content ≥60%

Water≤ 12%

Potassium oxide ≥12%

Water soluble ≥90% 

PH 8-11

Humic acid sodium can be widely used in the breeding industry: used in laying hens, can improve the egg production rate, feed remuneration and eggshell quality;Reduce dead Amoy rate.For broiler chickens, it can improve feed remuneration and reduce the dead Amoy rate.Used for raising pigs, can be equal to the action of olaquindox, and no drug residue, non-toxic side effects and improve the meat quality.Pigs have a strong appetite and bright red fur, which significantly reduces the smell of feces.In addition, for herbivores (cattle, sheep, deer, etc.), there is a significant increase in productivity.According to the discussion above, humic acid sodium inherent in a variety of physical and chemical, to participate in various metabolic activity of animal body, both the products of the same effect, and the effect that cannot replace other products, the prevention of gastrointestinal disease, improve the quality of animal products, improve the production performance, the effect is obvious, and non-toxic side effects, as a kind of additives, can be applied in livestock and poultry feed.

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