No. 4 Biological Organic Fertilizer

This product is a granular product with low water content and excessive granular hardness. it may be machined or mixed with massive fertilizers. this product is wealthy in a large variety of useful stay bacteria, inclusive of bacillus subtilis, bacillus licheniformis, yeast, bacillus jelly, bacillus megaterium, bacillus amyloliquefaciens and different compound compatibility. the proliferation of beneficial micro organism speedy releases a huge amount of vitamins and complements soil fertility. it is able to activate soil nutrients, maximize the utilization of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements inside the soil, and significantly enhance soil fertility.

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Product Details

No. 4 biological organic fertilizer (effective active bacteria 1 billion, 60 organic matter)

[Product function]

Micro organism can efficiently inhibit the increase of pathogenic bacteria, effectively alleviate root rot, yellowing, withering, root rot, root swelling, premature senility and other phenomena, and prevent other soil-borne diseases and non-stop cropping.

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Clear up the trouble of soil heavy metallic pollutants.

Diverse micro organism in microbial agents can effectively dissolve, redox and degrade heavy metals in soil. heavy metals can form a stable complex with soil natural remember, which has a profound effect on the chemical behavior of heavy metals in soil and correctly solves the trouble of heavy metallic pollutants in soil.

Improve fertilizer utilization charge. 

Enhance the utilization fee, lessen the production enter and reduce the waste of assets. efficiently reduce or dispose of the crop element deficiency disorder phenomenon, growth the output, enhance the great and boom the price of agricultural merchandise. after using microbial fertilizer, the quantity of chemical fertilizer and pesticide may be decreased with the aid of 60% and 70% respectively.

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