No. 13 Bio-Organic Fertilizer

This product is a granular product with low water content and high granular hardness. it may be machined or blended with big fertilizers. this product is rich in a big range of beneficial stay bacteria, consisting of bacillus subtilis, bacillus licheniformis, yeast, bacillus jelly, bacillus megaterium, bacillus amyloliquefaciens and different compound compatibility. the proliferation of useful micro organism quick releases a massive quantity of vitamins and complements soil fertility. it is able to spark off soil nutrients, maximize the usage of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements in the soil, and significantly enhance soil fertility.

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Product Details

No. 13 bio-organic fertilizer (effective active bacteria 1 billion, 80 organic matter)

[Product function]

Micro organism can correctly inhibit the growth of pathogenic micro organism, successfully alleviate root rot, yellowing, withering, root rot, root swelling, untimely senility and other phenomena, and prevent different soil-borne illnesses and continuous cropping.

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Do away with crop residues and improve crop satisfactory. 

Agricultural merchandise harvested with the aid of microbial dealers significantly reduce pesticide residues and make certain green and secure ingesting. in addition, the contents of protein, sugar, amino acids, vitamins and different beneficial components in crops are manifestly progressed, the grains and end result are plump and clean, and the colour of greens and culmination is vibrant, which also can reduce the buildup of tobacco nitrate and improve the protection of agricultural products.

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Growth the output 

Microbial sellers no longer best offer nutrients for vegetation, but also can secrete gibberellin, cytokinin, auxin and other active materials, that can stimulate, adjust and sell the growth and improvement of vegetation and assist boom the yield of plants. for exclusive crops, the yield growth levels from 20% to forty% respectively. amongst them, the yield of grain vegetation elevated via 20-25%, fruit bushes multiplied by means of about 30% and vegetables accelerated with the aid of 25-forty%.

Product form