10N Water Soluble Fertilizer

Soluble raw materials are adopted, which are fully water-soluble, improve soil acidification, harden and contain beneficial flora and natural rooting factors: promote rooting, absorb quickly, promote crops to take root quickly, increase capillary roots, absorb nutrients quickly, and more comprehensively supply the nutrient needs of crops in different periods.

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Product Details

10 N -52 P -10 K +TE trace elements 

Soluble uncooked materials are adopted, which are fully water-soluble, improve soil acidification, harden and include beneficial plant life and natural rooting factors: sell rooting, soak up speedy, sell crops to take root speedy, boom capillary roots, take in nutrients speedy, and greater comprehensively supply the nutrient desires of vegetation in extraordinary periods.

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Efficacy characteristics

◆ Large amount of trace elements and more complete nutrition: In addition, beneficial bacteria and various trace elements are added to effectively prevent the occurrence of physiological diseases of crops. 

◆ Increasing yield and quality: This product is a new generation of highly concentrated water-soluble fertilizer containing beneficial bacteria, with balanced nutrients and good crop absorption. It can fully dissolve and absorb all nutrients at full speed, thus increasing crop yield. The product contains complex and efficient microbial flora, which can effectively improve the quality of crops, not only with deep roots and luxuriant leaves, but also significantly improve the fruit setting rate and quality.

◆ Early listing and anti-senility: This product has added a variety of biological regulators. It can put crops on the market ahead of time, prevent premature senility of crops, improve photosynthetic efficiency of crops and promote the generation of nutrients.


Scope of use:

1) citrus, cherry, navel orange, honey pomelo, mango, longan, momordica grosvenori, pineapple, loquat, banana, kiwi fruit, grape, apple, pear, jujube, chestnut, peach, nectarine, wolfberry and other fruit trees.

2) Tea, cotton, rice, soybean, wheat, corn, peanut, sugar cane, mulberry, Chinese herbal medicine and other cash crops.

3) Tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupes, strawberries, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, kidney beans, beans, peas, potatoes, radish celery, cabbage, rape, leeks, cabbage, spinach, garlic, onions, ginger, taro, horseshoe and other fruits and vegetables. 


Technical indicators:

N+Pzo5+K2O ≥ 50.0% Zn+B+Mo: 0.2%-3.0%


Usage and dosage:

This product can be used for irrigation, drip irrigation, shower application, bottom application, acupoint application, topdressing and sprinkling application.

Application: 5-10 kg per mu in the early stage of crop growth, 8-15 kg per mu in the middle stage and fruit swelling stage, with an interval of 7-10 days per time. Spraying: Dilute with this product for 600-800 times in the early, middle and swelling stages of crops, and spray evenly for 10-15 days/time. * Drip irrigation: dilute with 1:1000-1500 times of clear water, and then enter the drip irrigation system with an amount of 5-10 kg per mu. Root irrigation: diluted by 400-500 times. Application, spreading and topdressing: 4-5 kg per mu can be used with various fertilizers.

Matters needing attention:

◆ The specific fertilization dosage can be increased or decreased as appropriate according to the local fertilization situation and growth situation. This product is highly concentrated, and agglomeration does not affect the effect. Store in a dry and cool place and use immediately after opening.

◆ The shelf life of sealing is 3 years. See the sealing place or certificate for the production date.

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