No.5 Microbial Agent Organic Fertilizer Powder

This product is a powder product rich in a large number of beneficial living bacteria, which are compounded with Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, yeast, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, etc. The beneficial bacteria multiply rapidly and release a large number of nutrients, enhance the soil fertility, activate the soil nutrients, maximize the utilization rate of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, medium and trace elements in the soil and greatly improve the soil fertility.

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Product Details

No.5 microbial agent (effective live bacteria 200 million)

A new generation of microbial agents developed by the company using high-end biotechnology, which contains protein, alginic acid, fulvic acid, amino acids, trace elements and other nutrients.

No.5 Microbial Agent Organic Fertilizer Powder.jpg

Product function

1. Improve soil nutrients

 Microbial agents can enhance soil aggregate structure, loosen soil, improve soil permeability and water and fertilizer retention capacity, increase soil organic matter, adjust soil PH value, activate potential nutrients in soil, improve the supply of nutrients in soil, and effectively solve the problem of yield reduction caused by continuous cropping and continuous cropping. In view of the present situation of organic acid poisoning, root burning and bacteria burning, pathogen egg harm, acid-base imbalance caused by long-term use of chicken manure, it is refined by high-end biotechnology, which can break the soil hardening, restore the soil vitality, conserve fertilizer and water, protect roots biologically, strengthen plants, protect flowers and fruits, promote flower bud formation and increase fruit setting rate.  


2. Solve the problem of soil heavy metal pollution. 

Various bacteria in microbial agents can effectively dissolve, redox and degrade heavy metals in soil. Heavy metals can form a stable complex with soil organic matter, which has a profound impact on the chemical behavior of heavy metals in soil and effectively solves the problem of heavy metal pollution in soil.


3. Improve fertilizer utilization rate.

 Improve the utilization rate, reduce the production input and reduce the waste of resources. Effectively reduce or eliminate the crop element deficiency disease phenomenon, increase the output, improve the quality and increase the value of agricultural products. After using microbial fertilizer, the amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticide can be reduced by 60% and 70% respectively.


4.Enhance the stress resistance of crops.

 It can enhance the drought resistance, cold resistance, lodging resistance, disease prevention and saline-alkali resistance of crops, and at the same time, it can effectively kill pathogenic bacteria in the soil and reduce the occurrence of diseases. Improve the photosynthetic efficiency of crops and promote the production of nutrients. After application, the yield of crops is obviously increased, the sugar content of crops is increased, the appearance and flavor of agricultural products are enhanced and improved, and the products are easier to store.


5. Remove crop residues and improve crop quality.

Agricultural products harvested by microbial agents greatly reduce pesticide residues and ensure green and safe eating. In addition, the contents of protein, sugar, amino acids, vitamins and other beneficial components in crops are obviously improved, the grains and fruits are plump and smooth, and the color of vegetables and fruits is bright, which can also reduce the accumulation of tobacco nitrate and improve the safety of agricultural products.


6. Increase the output

Microbial agents not only provide nutrients for crops, but also can secrete gibberellin, cytokinin, auxin and other active substances, which can stimulate, regulate and promote the growth and development of crops and help increase the yield of crops. For different crops, the yield increase ranges from 20% to 40% respectively. Among them, the yield of grain crops increased by 20-25%, fruit trees increased by about 30% and vegetables increased by 25-40%.


Scope of use 

This product is suitable for all crops, especially vegetables, fruit trees, tea trees, flowers, Chinese herbal medicines and other crops, with remarkable effect.

Product form