Pure Humic Acid Granular

      Humus is a complex organic matter formed by animals and plants after long-term physical, chemical and biological action, water body sediment soil and so on contain humus, humus is a macromolecular polymer, complex chemical structure, with carboxyl, phenol, ketone and other active groups, its molecular weight from 102 ~ 106. Different sources, the composition of humus is also different, humus according to its solubility in acids, alkali can be divided into: humic acid is also known as humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (FA), humic substance. The organic matter in natural drinking water, mainly HA, ranges in concentrations ranging from 20 μg/L of groundwater to 30 mg/L of surface water. The content of humic acid in general water sources is about 10 mg/L, accounting for 50% to 90% of the total organic matter in water, and the presence of humic acid in natural drinking water sources has brought a series of effects on humans, animals and plants.

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      In agriculture, humic acid fertilizers made in combination with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements (for example, ammonium phytate fertilizers can be made with ammonia neutralizing humic acid), which have the functions of fertilizer efficiency, soil improvement, crop growth stimulation, and improvement of agricultural product quality; nitro humic acid can be used as an acid adjuster for rice seedlings;

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     Magnesium humic acid, zinc humic acid, humic acid urea iron have good effects in supplementing soil magnesium deficiency, corn zinc deficiency, and fruit tree iron deficiency respectively; humic acid and herbicide ether, weed dejin and other pesticides can improve the efficacy and inhibit residual toxicity; sodium humate is effective in the treatment of apple tree rot disease.

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