Sodium humate chemical formula C9H8Na2O4, black, unsteady particles. It is non-toxic, odorless and corrosive, and is easily soluble in water. Mainly used astringent, hemostasis, antidiarrheasis. It is used for vomiting blood, blood in the stool, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea in
2022/04/25 11:13
Potassium fulvic acid is a pure natural mineral active potassium element fertilizer, potassium fulvic acid contains trace elements, rare earth elements, plant growth regulators, virus inhibitors and other nutrients, so that nutrients are more adequate, the supply is more reasonable, thus avoiding
2022/04/24 22:16
Yellow humic acid is a kind of short carbon chain molecular structure material extracted from...
2021/12/09 17:31
Yellow humic acid is a kind of short carbon chain molecular structure material extracted from...
2021/12/09 17:31
Yellow humic acid is a kind of short carbon chain molecular structure material extracted from...
2021/12/09 17:29